

If the order has not yet been shipped, we can submit a cancellation request for you to the supplier.* Please email and state your order number. As soon as the supplier has canceled the order, you will receive a confirmation email from us.

It may happen that an order can no longer be canceled, for example if it is already ready for shipment. You can then return the order within the return period after receipt or refuse the package at the door.

* Please notice: If you customize a product online (CTO), you are not entitled to the 14-day cooling-off period that normally applies to online orders.



Unfortunately, it is not possible to cancel, return or exchange a software order.

During your purchase you have accepted the following conditions, you hereby indicate that you waive the right to cancellation: "I approve the direct delivery of the (cloud)service(s). I waive my right to cancel the purchase (as stated in article 10 of the General Terms and Conditions))"

In addition, in the event of a download, we cannot verify whether the product has been put into use or will be used in the future.

You can find more information in the terms and conditions.





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